AGO Offline Activity related to Action Guide Card
AGO is still in its early stages with a relatively small membership. Therefore, the organization's primary focus currently lies in increasing public participation. This is achieved through three main activities: participating in public events, hosting Action Guide workshops, and working in public spaces. These activities aim to introduce the Action Guide Project to the public and distribute Action Guide cards to attendees.
Performance workshop – Slade School of Fine Art (2022)
The Action Guide prototype was tested in a performance workshop where each participant is provided with two versions of the guide and asked to elaborate on their own terms. The prototype contains information regarding the “Place”, the “Object” and the “Action” which inform the participants how they can interact with the Action Guide. The experiments are successful in terms of the variety of participant (re)enactments. However, due to their artistic background and the nature of the performance workshop, the result is biased. The experiment inspired further development regarding the target audience, the information provided, ways of (Re)enactment, and feedback structure.
Platform 1 – Bloomsbury Theatre & Studio (2023)
Platform 1 is a performance event in a public venue. It is the first public event attended by AGO that will feature the first 10 versions of the Action Guide Card. The time slot is structured to include 2 video advertisements introducing the Action Guide Project before and after the interval. The video will feature a soundtrack of re-enactment of the first 10 sections of Terry Riley's "In C". During the advertisement and the interval, 10 AGO workers wearing Hi-Vis vests distributed Action Guide Cards to the audience.
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