What is Action Guide Project?
What is Action Guide Card?
Action Guide Card is a series of performance artwork in card format that is issued by the Action Guide Organization.
The main content, Action Guide, is an abstract proposition-style text which contains a suggestion for an action that can be interpreted and performed in various manners according to the participants’ understanding. Each Action Guide is reduced from an existing performance work from an artist.
The participants can gain additional information through the QR Code on the back of the Action Guide Card and provide feedback including the documentation* of their (Re)enactment of the Action Guide and suggestions for the overall Action Guide Project development.
There are 10 versions of the Action Guide Card printed for 1000 copies each. There is no limitation to printing more copies to avoid scarcity. Action Guide Card can be developed into other digital/physical formats in the future based on the development of this project.
(Re)enactment of the Action Guide grants the participants ownership of the artwork (i.e. the Action Guide) and the authorship and ownership of the (Re)enactment (as an artwork) as well. The physical card serves as a reminder of one’s ownership and authorship.
Documentation*: There are no limitations on what form of documentation is used.
Participant’s (Re)enactments
The (Re)enactments potentially documented and shared by the participants will be a collective data set for further research and artistic creation. The accumulated documentation of (Re)enactment gathered along will be presented as a rhizomatic network where the interconnectivity will be examined.
While the (Re)enactment appears to be derived from the Action Guide, which itself is derived from existing artwork, the three elements hold equal positions that are interconnected without a hierarchical structure.
(Re)enactment of the action guide enables the participants to experience, create and own artwork outside the conventional setting. It is an attempt to disrupt the main narrative of the artist and audience relationship, blurring the boundaries between ownership, authorship, and originality. Action Guide is a rejection of hierarchical and centralized structures.
What is Action Guide Organization (AGO)?
Action Guide Organization is an experimental non-hierarchical organization that facilitates performance art for social change. AGO is responsible for the design, production, distribution, and community construction of the Action Guide Card. The member of AGO is composed of three main groups, public participants, AGO Short-term workers, and AGO Long-term workers.
The public participants are the general public that engaged in the AGO’s activity including (Re)enactments and providing feedback.
The AGO Short-term workers are individuals who actively participate in the design, production, distribution, or community construction process on short-term task-driven bases.
The AGO Long-term workers are individuals who are responsible for the AGO’s long-term operation.
There is no directorship in AGO. AGO Short-term workers and AGO Long-term workers share the same voting weight in AGO meetings. The public participants are also welcome in all AGO events and their views will be taken into consideration.